Astron Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (NL)
Biosynthia ApS (DK)
Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) – Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP)
European Physical Society (FR)
Institut Curie (FR)
Institute of Biotechnology – Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ)
JPK Instruments AG (DE)
Kinetic Evaluation Instruments BV (NL)
Ludwig Maximilians Universität – Functional NanoSystems (DE)
Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL)
NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NL)
Oertijdmuseum (Earth Heritage Research Centre) (NL)
Pherobank BV (NL)
SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research (NL)
SyMO-Chem BV (NL)
The Francis Crick Institute (UK)
Université Libre de Bruxelles – Institute for Molecular Biology and Medicine (BE)
University of Capetown – Department of Human Biology (SA)
University of Houston – Department of Chemistry (USA)
University of Minnesota – School of Physics and Astronomy (USA)
University of Toronto – Physics (CA)
Utrecht University – Faculty of Geosciences (NL)
VU Amsterdam (NL)
Partner Organisations – Providing training and/or workshops
Educational Support and Innovation, University of Groningen (NL)
ElroyCOM Training (NL)
European Astronomical Society (CH)
hfp consulting (DE)
NEMO Science Museum (NL)
SLO, the Netherlands Institute for Curriculum Development (NL)